CLIFTON Bishop Serratelli was the homilist and main celebrant, with priests of the diocese as concelebrants, at the annual Mass of Chrism March 21 in St. Philip the Apostle Church here.
This Mass is a clear expression of the unity of the priesthood and the sacrifice of Christ, which continues to be present in the Church. At the Mass, the priests renewed their priestly promises before the bishop and received the prayers and support of the people.
Bishop Serratelli consecrated the Oil of Chrism and blessed the Oil of Catechumens and Oil of the Sick during the Mass. These holy oils will be used throughout the diocese during the coming year in celebration of the Sacraments. The Oil of the Sick is used in the anointing of the sick; the Oil of Catechumens is for those preparing to be baptized, and the Chrism, which the bishop consecrated, is used for Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders and the consecration of altars. The oils were distributed to representatives from each parish in the diocese after the Mass.