The Tribunal of the Diocese of Paterson, under the direction of the Bishop, is supervised by his delegate, the Judicial Vicar. He, together with a staff of specially trained and experienced priests, deacons, religious and lay persons offer assistance to persons who request that the Church study a marriage in order to determine its validity or invalidity.
Church law calls for the existence of a Tribunal in every diocese of the world. The office of the Tribunal constitutes the judicial branch of diocesan government responsible for the administration of justice. One of the most common functions of the Tribunal is the review of petitions for ecclesiastical declarations of nullity. This involves an investigation of facts and a possible rendering of a decision concerning the nullity of a particular marriage.;
Contact a priest, deacon or pastoral associate (preferably one in your parish) and he/she will make an appointment to meet with you to initiate the completion of an introductory form entitled Petition for an Ecclesiastical Annulment. The first part of this form requires basic biographical information, while the second part requires a more extensive personal and marital history narrative.
When you have completed both parts, you are to return it to the person at the parish who assisted you so that he/she may sign and forward your petition to the Tribunal for an evaluation. Your case will be assigned a case name and protocol number. These status codes are to be used in all subsequent correspondence and phone calls to our office so that your case may be easily identified.
Please contact your parish priest or call the Tribunal Office at
973-777-8818 x229 or x226.
Rev. Marc A. Mancini, JCL
Judicial Vicar
973-777-8818 x226 or x229
Rev. Msgr. Joseph T. Anginoli, JCL
Adjutant Judicial Vicar
973-777-8818 x226
Mary Beth Leonhard
Tribunal Administrative Assistant/Notary
973-777-8818 x226
[email protected]
Shawn E. Vacca
Tribunal Administrative Assistant/Notary
973-777-8818 x229
[email protected]
Rev. Msgr. John E. Hart, JCL
Rev. Msgr. Herbert K. Tillyer, M.Ch.A.
Rev. John P. Hanley
Rev. Philip Michael Tangorra, JCL